* Uses:- 1- Potassium compound liquid fertilizer is characterized by its distinctive composition. It is a potassium fertilizer present in the form of acetate, which is facilitating for plants. 2- A distinctive formula that works to increase the rate of utilization of the potassium element necessary for the processes of setting and fruit formation. 3- It is used by spraying on the leaves and with irrigation water. It helps with rapid growth and improvement of genetic characteristics, which gives an abundant crop with good characteristics. 4- It is used with all field crops, vegetables and fruits. 5- It treats the symptoms of potassium deficiency in plants and causes fruit size. 6- Foliar fertilizer containing potassium, which is necessary for plants. 7- It is used for spraying on leaves and may be used with irrigation water. 8- It is used with field crops, vegetables and fruits. *Method of use and spray rate:- First: Field crops, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants: - 500 cm3 - / acre. Second: Fruit trees: 500 cm3 / 400 liters of water and a number of greening according to the type and size of trees.