Advantages: 1- A compound fertilizer that contains a high percentage of phosphorus, in addition to the presence of nitrogen and potassium . 2- It provides the plant with phosphorus, which stimulates root growth, increases flowers, stabilizes knots, and improves the quality of fruits. Phosphorus also plays an important role in cell division and the synthesis of amino acids . 3- It is suitable for all types of lands, especially those with low phosphorus content, because it contains a high concentration of phosphorus . 4- A fertilizer that has an acidifying effect on the soil, which helps absorb phosphorus and trace elements . 5- It is easy to use with different irrigation methods, such as drip or water . Application: 1- Field crops, vegetables, medicinal and aromatic plants: 1.2 kg / Fed . 2- Fruit trees: 1.2 kg / 400 liters of water and a number of preparations depending on the type and size of trees .